Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Boeing first hydrogen cell-powered aircraft

Boeing first hydrogen cell-powered aircraft

U.S. aircraft giant Boeing announced that they have successfully completed the test hydrogen cell-powered aircraft, which is the world's first use of hydrogen battery flight. The breakthrough will help promote the aviation industry, "green aircraft."

Boeing first hydrogen cell-powered aircraft

Boeing conducted a total of three times this year's successful test flight. For testing small two-seater propeller aircraft (pictured) weight 800 kg, body length 6.5 meters, wingspan 16.3 meters long. Flight time is only a pilot, relying on hydrogen battery to power in 1000 meters height to 100 kilometers per hour to fly about 20 minutes.

Hydrogen battery is installed in the test aircraft passenger seat, and stood beside the driver's seat of a diver using an oxygen tank similar. Hydrogen battery using hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water is generated when the energy, will generate environmentally sound steam, and can be a clean, renewable green "fuel cell."

Boeing, said the hydrogen battery rack up the flight time of 45 minutes, take off the battery still must depend on others to provide auxiliary power, but in the air when the battery completely on hydrogen.

Boeing chief technology officer, John. Tracy said:, "This is a precedent-setting aviation history, Boeing has been completed with hydrogen battery-powered manned flight. This development is the historic Boeing technical success ... indicates that more environmentally friendly future."

But hydrogen is hard to become a battery source of power for large commercial aircraft. Flight plan for Boeing engineers Rafael satisfied that the hydrogen battery for back-up power source large aircraft, "about 20 years later thing."

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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Japan developed a carbon instead of platinum as a catalyst for fuel cell technology

Japan developed a carbon instead of platinum as a catalyst for fuel cell technology

With the rising awareness of global environment protection and energy, the growing demand for carbon emission reductions, fuel cell vehicles and household needs in the area will be expanded. Recently, Qing Textile Co., Ltd. and Japan's Tokyo Institute of Technology co-developed the use of carbon fuel cell to replace expensive platinum as a catalyst for new technology.

Carbon catalyst platinum price is only one-tenth of the catalyst, fuel cell vehicles can be greatly reduced cost. Nisshinbo big plans to work with the East in 2009 introduced the technology for home and auto supply carbon fuel cell catalyst. In addition, other manufacturers are also developing alternative catalysts, fuel cells designed to reduce marketing costs.

Japan's June exports of refined zinc increased by 12.3% year on year

Tokyo July 30, according to sources, the Japanese Finance Ministry data released Wednesday showed Japan's June exports of refined zinc increased by 12.3% over last year to 7,554 tons.

Zinc are mainly exported to Japan, Malaysia and Taiwan.

The following is the detailed export data: (in tonnes)

June 2008 May 2008 June 2007 January-June 2008 January-June 2007

SHG 2,552 2,532 385 22,099 2,528

West, the original 5,002 4,340 6,341 26,192 32,577 Zinc

Total 7,554 6,872 6,726 48,291 35,105

Note: The original zinc in the West, including high-grade zinc. SHG is a special high grade zinc.

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From the LCD, solar cells and LED create the future

From the LCD, solar cells and LED create the future

Sharp, Chairman, President and CEO Katsuhiko Machida will be scheduled for October 29 to 31 at the FPD Expo and Forum integrated "FPDInternational2008", which was published in particular on the topic. The "low-carbon eco-house DC community" as the theme, describing about the LCD, solar cells and LED create the future picture.

Machida, 10 years ago (1998) Sharp became president, they immediately said confidently, "For 2005, sales in Japan all of a LCD TV." Although initially questioned by many, but since the beginning of the Declaration, one of the world wind to change. FPD industry has now grown to 10 trillion yen panel shipments, TV panels more than 100 million. Now, the "TV panels," panel market, the total amount as high as about 40% larger than the previous industry leader as a "personal computer panel."

Today, Machida will declare the electronics industry there in the form of low-carbon society. LCD Needless to say, but also with solar cell, LED, and the superconducting technology, battery, to change the family, city and office forms. The special theme topic of the "DC Eco House" is also one of them. Machida advocated that "all of the family power to DC (direct current), eliminating the AC-DC conversion losses" green house. For the challenges of global environmental issues and greenhouse gas emissions by half, it is material, equipment, inspection companies, etc. should be across the industry, technical staff of unified direction of the moment.

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Waste Battery Waste Water Technology Investment for the production of raw materials

Waste Battery Waste Water Technology Investment for the production of raw materials

I. Project Overview

This technology is a waste dry batteries as raw materials used method of purifying agent. First, waste battery acid and alkaline batteries by sorting, alkaline batteries will be crushed, flooding, isolated impurities, metal and manganese dioxide mixture; then acid battery after cutting vibration, isolated carbon rods, acrobatics as well as manganese dioxide-based mixture; Finally, the respectively purifying agent material T1, T2 and T1 T2 as additive, added to the previously prepared mixture into a purifying agent in the preparation.

Second, the project features

1 part simple process, equipment, invest in small, low cost deal.

2, treated effluent through the relevant testing specifications meet the national requirements of the standard.

3, the technology in the production process and no waste generation, waste batteries can be all in extreme recycling and reuse.

Third, market analysis

Used batteries are hazardous waste, due to the lack of effective treatment methods, generally buried in the method, not only contaminated the groundwater and waste of resources. It into a purifying agent, not only solve the environmental problems of waste batteries, but also to find an effective treatment approach.

Production of half a ton of purifying agent (solid), need to use 1.5 tonnes of waste batteries; a ton of product can be purified water purifying agent 5 tonnes of -1 million tons (purified water can reach the required emission standards). Net people can reuse water (irrigation, green, car wash and some water for industrial use). The initial production technology confirmed by Baoding, sweat, after purification, all meet the national requirements of emission standards. The technology is cost-effective, and have a larger market space and strong may profit.

Fourth, investment conditions and benefit analysis

Early investment in equipment 200,000 yuan, including a reaction vessel, boiler, mill, milling machine, grinding machine the two, filtering tower 2, a curing machine and other equipment. Liquidity 100,000 yuan. 100-150 square meters of factory building can be, need skilled workers were 5-8.

The technology to produce Waste Water Waste Water cost per ton cost of one third lower than normal, such as the annual output of 300 tons can profit 100 000 -15 million.

5, investment advice

1, the technology is a waste management of technological innovation, environmental protection projects can apply for exemption to the three government departments, tax (VAT, tax regulation, land use tax), interest-free loan.

2, with local waste recycling and local environmental protection department signed a contract for recycling used batteries, to ensure sources of raw materials.

6, expert comment (Tianjin Environmental Protection Bureau of Solid Office)

1, the technical feasibility and the market is not the same technology.

2, Investment patent should consider local supply of waste battery capacity to ensure sufficient raw materials.

3, through which the sewage purified water purification agent, need to pass inspection by the local environmental protection departments only after discharge.

4, due to the large number of recycling used batteries, mercury prone to leakage, so the construction of cement floors and the Treasury should pay attention to the thickness of not less than 5-10 cm, to avoid the process of preservation of mercury leakage, pollution.

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